About Me

My full name is Jennifer-Isobel Graham and this blog is all about my hobbies and interests in fashion!
Previously, I undertook a two year Level.3 Extended Diploma course in Fashion Design (Art and Design) BTEC.
Where I learnt in greater detail about; garment technology, textiles, pattern cutting, dress construction, pattern drafting, fashion figure illustrating and still life sketching. 

Therefore I am currently living in Epsom, Surrey, just outside of South London, attending University For The Creative Arts whilst studying Fashion Promotion and Imaging BA (Hons.)
When I embarked upon higher education, I decided to focus on a different pathway as opposed to designing garments.
My degree consists of fashion marketing, editorial, trend prediction, public relations, styling techniques and graphic design.
Furthermore, when it comes to me leaving university I hope to graduate with a first class honours and to gain employment in the magazine industry, focusing on creative styling aspects.

In the future, along with a successful career I also hope to receive a masters degree within journalism, publishing and editorial concepts.

Hope you all enjoy reading my blog!  xx

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